Conversation: Up Close and Personal with Natalie
“Conversation should touch everything, but should concentrate on nothing.”
–Oscar Wilde
BU Style came into this world on July 27, 2010. Over the past 10 years, our cherished clients have gotten up close and personal in every sense of the term. They have welcomed us into their homes and shared their personal stories. They have expressed joy or misgivings regarding their bodies. They have allowed us to participate in the development of their Style Strategies. More important, they have opened up their hearts and minds, allowing us to grow both personally and professionally along with them.
Natalie Tincher, Owner, BU Style || Illustration by Zoe Lalouette
In celebration of BU Style's 10-year anniversary, our founder, Natalie, answers questions on topics that touch many aspects of our lives, allowing you to see a side of her that you may or may not already know. So without further ado, we welcome you to our BU Style 10-Year Anniversary edition of Natalie Unplugged:
I begin the day with . . . I don't have a set morning routine—it's one of the beauties of being my own boss. It really depends on the day's events, projects I'm working on, and my mood and motivation.
Before I fall asleep, I . . . usually write down my nagging to-do list. I'm not the best sleeper—this helps clear my brain for dreamworld.
A confident woman/man . . . knows that the world is better when we elevate and celebrate each other instead of pushing others down. Community over competition!
A woman should invest in . . . good skincare products and regular facials.
Men should always . . . clip their toenails regularly and take off their hat at dinner.
People assume I . . . am always outgoing or extroverted. I sometimes get social anxiety. I was a very shy child.
My preferred compliment is . . . that I am open-minded and kind.
If I wasn't a stylist, I . . . would be dancing on a Broadway stage!
I like people to remember me for . . . being a really good friend and a principled, savvy entrepreneur.
My best ideas are inspired by . . . traveling to new places and by long conversations over food and drinks with my loved ones
My parents taught me . . . "you are the master of your destiny" and to "remember who you are"
If my life was a song, it would be . . . "Titanium," by David Guetta.
Botox and fillers are . . . your body, your choice.
When I think about my future, I . . . am curious, optimistic, and excited. Never could I have imagined where the last 10 years would lead me, so I say bring on the next 10!
My happy place is . . . the theater and a dance floor* (*any floor that I can dance on . . . kitchen, living room, wedding reception . . . )
I decompress by . . . doing something in which I am forced to shut out the world and be transported into someone else's: reading a great novel, taking a walk and listening to a true crime podcast, dates with myself to the movies . . .
We have too many . . . strict personal rules, unbending regiments, and pride in being "sooooo busy." We need to make more time to be spontaneous and flexible and create space for joy and discovery.
What it comes down to is . . . surround yourself with people who truly want you to thrive and learn how to find your unique foundation so you can trust and follow your intuition.
Always remember . . . to Be You!