BU Style Circle

PAID style membership

Everybody has a style and every style deserves a seat. 

Our membership will give you the space and tools to actually ACT on all the fashion advice that's swimming around out there.

In a world with more choices than ever, more ‘stuff’ being thrown at us, and more appointments on our calendars, it is easy and completely valid to feel overwhelmed and confused by what to wear.

Have you had thoughts like:

Phone taking photo of blouse

Join the BU Style Circle

→ Only $47/month

→ SUBSCRIPTIONS at $141 Quarterly or $517 annually (that’s one month free!)

→ your Own Virtual Closet Tool

→ Live calls on Style Topics

→ immediate access to style resources

Natalie kneeling and smiling

Meet Your Host: Natalie

Natalie’s commitment to building this community has been years in the making. With the belief that every style deserves a seat, she wanted to create a space for people to tap into the collective 30+ years of experience she and her team members have at a price point that makes BU Style’s expertise accessible to more people. She knew it couldn’t wait any longer after a Wear Who You Are Podcast listener shared that she was learning a great deal through listening but would love access to more organized, targeted support so she could learn more and have the resources to hold herself accountable for her style discovery.

Natalie wants all women to feel educated and empowered to make style choices that align with their individual goals. She loves that this membership provides the opportunity to use something we do every day—get dressed—to explore the effect personal style has on every aspect of our lives.

Closing out apps on an iPhone

Let’s move from the noise of the social media square to a circle of support . . . the BU Style Circle!

Whether you love fashion but want more resources or are just starting your style discovery, there is a seat for you at our table. Because this isn’t about fashion, it’s about you and how to feel empowered to take charge of your own style needs.

We will help you do this by providing . . .

  • Your own Virtual Closet app

  • Unlimited access to our BU Style Six™ assessment

  • An organized resource hub, including downloadables and curated shopping guides

  • Live sessions on specific style topics as well as general Q&As (recordings will be available)

  • Access to our exclusive retailer discounts

Are you ready to circle up with us?

Do you know how to use your style as a superpower?

We believe that style is something you should know how to use to your advantage to make you feel good, not be another burden.

Phone taking photo of blouse

Join the BU Style Circle

→ ONly $47/month

→ SUBSCRIPTIONS at $141 Quarterly or $517 annually (that’s one month free!)

→ your Own Virtual Closet Tool

→ Live calls on Style Topics

→ immediate access to style resources