Client Conversation: Sheila Wilkinson

Living between New Orleans and Brussels is more than a commute, rather an 11-year personal journey. It was in 2018 when Sheila first shared her style story about the power of letting go, why dressing her body is more than a number, and how changing her wardrobe changed her life [read the full story here].

Like Sheila, we are re-examining our pre-pandemic clothing to decide if our closets reflect who we are. We’ve changed. Workplace styles have changed. Determining what we wear will not be solely driven by a dress code. Going forward, we will dress for what complements our personalities, our workplace needs, and our lifestyle.

After 15+ years in the courtroom, Sheila doesn’t litigate anymore and isn’t constrained by the expected courtroom decorum. As a “joyful lawyer,” Sheila refers to her style personalities as JES—joyful, elevated, and sharp (coined after Zooey Deschanel in New Girl). Today, she pays attention to her audience. Whether it’s a legal client, a coaching client, a group of continuing ed professionals, or undergraduate students, Sheila determines what to wear based on what they need, what they want, and how they, together, can show up as their best selves.

I want people to look at me and immediately get that I am a joyful person in every sense and that if I can break stereotypes and live an authentic life, so can they.
— Sheila M. Wilkinson

This month we revisit BU style client Sheila M. Wilkinson and continue our “Conversations” series from her home in New Orleans, where she helps service-based professionals and entrepreneurs reach their personal and professional goals.

As the Founder of SMWPLC, Law & Social Work, and CreativesEd, Sheila empowers others through reframed and constructive feedback, humor, transparency, and empathy. An attorney, social worker, educator, and empowerment coach, she splits her time between New Orleans and Brussels and can always be found planning a new adventure.

Sheila M. Wilkinson, New Orleans || Photo Credit: Sick Love Weddings

Sheila M. Wilkinson, New Orleans || Photo Credit: Sick Love Weddings

Conversation with Sheila

The 2 updates since our last conversation are . . . I represent LGBTQ+-owned and -allied businesses and their families as a lawyer, and I coach LGBTQ+ individuals and allies to build the lives they are most proud of

The 3 adjectives my closest friends would use to describe me are . . . joyful, calm, positive

What are your top-2 current style personalities?

Soft and Relaxed

What have you learned about yourself through the BU Style Six™ Assessment?
I am evolving as a person and professional, so my style should, too. I was able to examine my day-to-day life and what I prefer to be in each day as well as my career priorities to discover how strong I am in each of my style personalities

The 3 Instagram accounts I look at most often are . . . @thehappylawyerproject, @communify, @catanacomics

My favorite beignet place is . . . Morning Call Coffee Stand. The joy of being in New Orleans is that we’re all about flavors and the melding of layers of flavors as a historical experience. This is one of the reasons I started my food blog HumidFoodie: love for the stories, the people, and the flavors

The person who you text the most is . . . Phillip, obviously [pictured]

One achievement I’m most proud of is . . . raising my sister as a single mom after my father passed when I was 12 and my mother when I was 16 years old

My favorite fitness app is . . . JEfit—I love it, because, I easily get to make my own routines

The one trait you consider essential to your success is . . . intentional gratitude; it’s a gateway skill to kindness, empathy, transparency, and authenticity

My go-to outfit is . . . a jewel-toned blouse under a navy jacket with a black skirt or trousers

The 1 thing I wish I’d learned earlier in my career is . . . that my expectations of myself are not indicative of what I should expect of others

The number of unread emails in my inbox is . . . 383; I don’t care about numbers anymore

My #1 thing I miss from Belgium is . . . the adventures my friends take together—in food, in nature, in love, and in support of each other

My favorite thing about working with Allison is . . . she meets me where I am each time I need support, guidance, and advice. This is what I do as a coach, lawyer, social worker, and educator: I meet people where they are and take them as they show up, so that I can help them be their best 


What is a 'Relaxed' Style Personality?


Free to Be . . . You and Me