Client Conversation: Wendy Warren-Schueremans

The lure of a seasonal sale. The convenience of free shipping. The online shopping bag timer ticking away toward expiration. These shopping triggers convert browsers to buyers—and the combination of sporadic online and retail shopping can result in a wardrobe of ill-fitting clothes that deviate away from our personal style.

In an effort to scale back and reconnect with her wardrobe, Wendy sent the SOS (“Stop Online Shopping”) signal.

It was in 2017 when Wendy first shared her style story about the ins and outs of working with a Personal Stylist, owning her personal style, and adjusting to a changing body shape [read the full story here].

This month we revisit BU Style client Wendy Warren-Schueremans and continue our "Conversations" series from her home in Belgium.

I don’t know if my Classic style has evolved, but my confidence certainly has.
— Wendy Warren-Schueremans
Wendy Warren-Schueremans, Brussels

Wendy Warren-Schueremans, Brussels

Conversation with Wendy

How did you start owning your personal style?
Once we defined my style personality as ‘Classic,’ it really made a lot of things click for me. It made me stop buying clothes that weren’t in my style type. Just accepting that I prefer neat tailored pieces and sticking with that was something we found.

The 2 updates since our last conversation are . . . launching Preppy Peanut Designs, a personalized gift business, and building my dream home.

The style of my new home is . . . classic; I am confident that my choices will still be relevant in 10,15, 20 years.

My investment pieces are . . . accessories that can take my everyday wardrobe up a notch: a designer scarf, bracelets, or a handbag.

The 3 adjectives my closest friends would use to describe me are . . . organized, thoughtful, a do-er. 

The 3 Instagram accounts I look at most often are . . . @stripesandwhimsy, @hallmarkchannel, @bustyle

The items currently in my online shopping bag are . . . nothing at the moment, but I am in dire need of new jeans

My favorite burger place is . . . oh, this is tough—Shake Shack followed by Five Guys because there are a couple here in Belgium. 

The next city on my travel list is . . . Budapest

My favorite Audrey Hepburn movie is . . . Breakfast at Tiffany’s

My go-to outfit is . . . a button down shirt, jeans, blazer, and ballet flats for cooler weather; warmer weather give me a dress any day of the week 

The 2 most coveted items in my wardrobe are . . . my Birkin and vintage Chanel Jacket

My favorite French phrase . . . C’est La Vie

My #1 thing I miss from the USA is . . . Target; you can drink Starbucks and stroll for hours

My favorite thing about working with Allison is . . . I love how Allison has made my fashion journey about ME! That may seem vain, but it’s nice being a mom and wife to have the focus on me for a bit every now and then. Allison really takes the time to focus on me, she lets me express myself and doesn’t judge.


BU Style x True Fashionistas


Closet Consultation Uncovers New Confidence