Fashion Facts: Contrast

In our world of style strategy, contrast refers to the comparative difference in value of colors. Color pairings can be high, medium, or low contrast.

Types of Contrast

High contrast: two colors with a great difference in value
ex: navy and white

Medium contrast: two colors with a moderate difference in value
ex: navy and royal blue

Low contrast: two colors with little difference in value.
ex: navy and black


If you would like to create harmony between your clothing patterns and your natural features, you’ll want to select patterns that have the same level of contrast that you have. For example, if you have dark hair and light skin, you are high contrast and can seek out color combinations that are also high contrast.

On the other hand, high-contrast color combinations give off a bold and more Magnetic statement, so as with all things style, it’s ok to “break the rules.” If you are low contrast with highly Magnetic style personality (like Natalie), don’t be afraid to let your personality speak first—and go for the high!


What is a 'Soft' Style Personality?


What is a 'Magnetic' Style Personality?