Style Strategy and Why You Should Invest in Your Wardrobe

You know how much we believe your wardrobe is an investment in yourself. Natalie recently had a conversation about making wise wardrobe investments and creating a sound strategy with the brilliant Barbara Ginty, host of Future Rich Podcast. ⁠

The duo talks about why a sound strategy is important to keep you from impulse spending, when subscription boxes are useful, and the only math formula Natalie actually enjoys. ⁠

Looking back, I realize I learned a lot about money and finances by observing the women in my life.

My Depression-era grandma would greet us with bags full of cereal, toothpaste, & other household items, immediately reciting the deals she got: “It was already on special, and I bought it on triple coupon day.”

She ruled the finances. Grandpa would give us $20 and say, “Put it in your pocket, and don’t tell your grandma.” She knew where EVERY dollar went.

I saw my mom balancing the family checkbook & buying us CDs at our local bank, explaining them to me & explaining why saving was important.

Whenever we got a birthday check, Mom let us look at it and then immediately snatched it from our hands to put in our bank accounts—not to be touched until after college. That birthday money and my CD returns gave me the downpayment for my first small townhome at 23 years old.

My mom taught me to save for smart, quality investments—not immediately spend my money on the next shiny object for instant gratification. She gave me a budget for my back-to-school shopping, and I had to figure out how to utilize it best. She was the influence that shaped the way I work now.

Barbara Ginty, host of @futurerichpodcast, has made it her mission to make sure women aren’t afraid to talk about money, that they share their strategies, and are empowered to feel financially independent. I loved collaborating in a conversation about investing in yourself and your wardrobe—all through creating a sound strategy. ⁠


The First Step to Creating a Smart & Sustainable Style Strategy: Start in Your Closet


BU Style x Argent