Why You Should Replace Your Capsule Wardrobe with a "Core-drobe"

We don't call it a capsule; we call it a core-drobe. These pieces are the core—or foundation—of your season's wardrobe styling.

Creating your core-drobe is not about an exact number of pieces or an exact list of items that "everyone should own." (Yes, we’re looking at you, fashion magazines and Pinterest boards.)

Identifying your unique core-drobe is about finding the RIGHT pieces for YOU that maximize the mileage from what you already own, reflect your personal style, and can be built upon for seasons to come.

When you are ready to really explore your style identity, staying focused on what makes up your core-drobe is a great way to start. These are your closet “heroes,” the pieces you reach for over and over because they . . .

  • easily integrate with your wardrobe and lifestyle

  • always make you feel great

  • stand the test of time for years to come—both from a style preference and quality standpoint

We recommend you start by making a list of these key pieces that are piquing your interest or that you find yourself “wishing you had” as you get dressed each day:

  • Keep that list handy and revise it as you go. Some pieces may get removed; some will become a clear priority.

  • Once an item on the list becomes a “must-have,” start discovering and noting the non-negotiable details and requirements like price, fabric, length, texture, color, etc.

  • Do NOT compromise your non-negotiables. Keep trying and trust your instincts to know when it’s the right one.

As you start to get intentional and thoughtful about each purchase, when the time comes to make core-drobe investments, you can be confident it “will be your hero, baby!”


BU Style x L'Agence Madison Avenue


BU Style x Rothmans New York