BU Beauty Seasonal Shop

Your makeup artist will guide you in building on your current makeup kit and knowledge during an in-person shop or virtual experience. This may include updating your color palette or trying out a new application technique. (Yes, you can achieve that smoky eye!)

Investment: $775

Makeup brushes

The Seasonal Shop is ideal for those who…

have a basic knowledge of makeup products and tools

  • are comfortable applying their own makeup

  • currently own at least 5 of the following makeup tools:

    • Beauty Blender and case or a foundation brush

    • 5 to 7 makeup brushes

    • 1 makeup bag or makeup case

    • 1 eye pencil sharpener

    • 1 eyelash curler

    • 1 canister, bag, or other means of storage for brushes

If you are brand new to makeup application or looking to build your makeup kit for the first time, check out our Assess, Buy, Apply experience.

“Rebecca empowered me to feel like I can learn how to apply makeup in ways that work for me—and to have fun with it! I love building on my skills season after season and integrating new palettes and techniques to align with my environments and mood.”

— Natalie T., BU Beauty client since 2023

Seasonal Shop Plan Details


Before your session, you may be given prework to fill out to begin identifying your makeup needs. Via email, we will identify your session priorities and how to prepare.

Woman holding makeup compact

Video Call 

During this call, your makeup artist will . . .

  • Review your current makeup routine and products

  • Discuss new trends and inspiration, upcoming makeup needs, and any skin considerations for the season

  • Discuss your budget and an ideal Strategic Shopping List (or SSL, as we like to call it) of up to 10 products; the average investment is approximately $500 to $850 

Appointment duration: up to 1 hour*

Rebecca smiling at the camera

NYC Shop  

Before you meet, your makeup artist will have a pre-planned strategy of products, brands, colors, and tools that will work for you based on your shopping needs and call feedback. Upon meeting, they will guide you through the shopping and application demonstration process. This includes . . .  

  • In-person shopping at 1 store in SoHo, NYC, including Bloomingdale’s, MAC Cosmetics, or Sephora

  • Shopping for up to 10 products to refresh your seasonal makeup needs

  • On-site demonstration on how to use your tools and apply the products. You will be able to practice eye makeup application on yourself!

Appointment duration: up to 2 hours*

(or) Virtual Shop

Before your video call, your makeup artist will have a pre-planned strategy of products, brands, colors, and tools that will work for you based on your shopping needs and call feedback. This includes . . .  

  • Virtual shopping at Sephora.com

  • Virtual shopping for up to 10 products to refresh your seasonal makeup needs

  • Virtual demonstration on how to use your tools and apply the products

Appointment duration: up to 2 hours*

Disclaimer: BU Beauty is not a replacement for an esthetician and/or dermatologist. Always consult with your skin care provider regarding concerns. This process DOES NOT include any skincare products or routines outside of those listed above.


Your makeup artist will update your Virtual Closet so you can apply what you learned on your own! Your deliverables will include the following:

  • Virtual Finds: shoppable links to purchase products within your seasonal Strategic Shopping List that were not available 

  • Virtual Closet: new beauty purchases will be added to your Virtual Closet along with notes on how to re-create your look and how to use your new beauty tools

Lifetime access to your Virtual Closet is included with this package purchase.

*The noted hours are specifically the client’s time investment. Also included in the package price is your makeup artist’s prep and follow-up time, including research, pre-shopping, coordination with retailers, Virtual Closet updates, and more.

Rebecca smiling headshot
Colorful branded pattern

Book Your Seasonal Shop with Rebecca