Dressing for a Postpartum Body, Maintaining Your Identity, and Dressing for a Changing Body

As part of Women’s History Month, we wanted to shine a light on postpartum style considerations (including breastfeeding, or chestfeeding, as the more inclusive term) and how to dress for a changing body.

After giving birth, many women describe feeling disconnected from their bodies. According to the CDC, about 20% of new mothers experience at least one symptom of postpartum depression. The MGH Center for Women's Mental Health writes that over 33% of all pregnant women feel dissatisfied with their body image and that this feeling generally increases after pregnancy for a couple of months. Pregnancy and birth are herculean feats, and it’s completely normal not to feel like yourself afterward!

It’s obviously not as simple as slapping on a shiny new outfit, but we think that knowing how to use clothes strategically can be incredibly important in helping a new mother feel more connected to and positive about their body. So here are clothing considerations to help you feel positive, happy, connected, magical, and safe in your own skin. (But everyone will have different needs post-pregnancy. These are just ideas!)

Here are some considerations when buying for a postpartum body:

Stretch fabrics. Your body is changing, and you'll want something that has flexibility! Note that there is no shame in wearing your maternity clothing post-partum. This is completely normal!

Care. Look for clothes that are easily laundered for convenience! Babies are messy. ;)

Lightweight, breathable materials with a relaxed fit. As hormones fluctuate, it's helpful to have clothes that will be kind during body temperature swings.

Skin-to-skin tops can be beautiful ways to bond with your baby (if that's what you're looking for). They're convenient for chestfeeding as well.

—Scoop necks, v-necks, wrap tops, and loose-fitting button-downs are wardrobe staples for chestfeeding.

Drawstring and elastic pants are your friends.

Size up to wear while nursing. Favorites like Kindred Bravely tend to run small. Give yourself grace!

Comfortable shoes are a must. Look for support but also something that can expand (your feet may swell postpartum).

Style Personalities! These are absolutely still applicable! Even in the midst of wanting to be functional and comfortable, don’t forget to consider how you feel in your clothes. Be mindful of what you wear and if it’s nourishing you spiritually as well!

Layers (jackets, cardigans, blazers, etc.) over your postpartum look can help you feel stylish and connected to your identity beyond being a mother. Strategically speaking, layers are one of the clothing items that can work through various postpartum–sizing considerations—as long as they fit your shoulders well.

Accessories are also a wonderful way to play with your style personalities while keeping comfy in more relaxed styles. You're uniquely you!

“What did you do before you were a mother?”

Anecdotally, so many mothers I know have talked about how they felt their identity shaken when they had children.

“What did you do before you were a mother?” This is a real question my friend got one day in the park while out with her newborn. It shook her. Because she wasn’t just a mother, and it hadn’t overtaken her identity. She was that and so much more. BU Style is here to say we can support you in moments like these. Clothes can be such a wonderful way to keep you connected to your larger identity (and personality!), and we often don’t take advantage of their full power. We can help!

BU Style Services & Resources:

  • Link to Services, including Q the Stylist. This would be a wonderful way to get your postpartum strategy together with a 60-minute call with Natalie!

  • Revisit episode 23 of the Wear Who You Are podcast on pumping resources for working mothers with Molly McKee-Seabrook, Founder of Katie Jane Co.


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