Up Close & Personal: Director of Operations Allison Allie

Allison Allie is someone everyone at BU Style is eternally grateful for. Her grace, care, and attention to detail keep our world running smoothly. Thank you, Allison! You are our Director of Operations, and so much more!

She also offered a really wonderful insight into her name and how it relates to her work at BU:

“Whether you address me by my first or my last, both are my identity. Similar to brain, my left-side is ‘Allison’ analytical and methodical (polished) whereas the right-side is ‘Allie’ innovative and imaginative (creative). While studies conflict on the notion of the left/right brain dominance concept, evidence shows that my personality, thinking style, and way of doing things is dominate on both sides—I am Allison and Allie just as my style personalities are polished and creative!”

We asked Allison some questions. . .

What's your role in BU Style? To be the grease and the glue.

How long have you been with the company? 5 years.

What does a typical month's work look like for you at BU? Manage the day to day operations, develop processes, support clients and team members to ensure the business is running as efficiently as possible.

What is your style personality? Creative and Polished.

How has your style (and personality) changed over the last few years? It’s become more reflective, intentional, meaningful.

What about the next few? Anticipate it will be consistent. I’ll continue to purchase with purpose, source pre-owned luxury, prefer a seasonless wardrobe, and style with intention. 

Where are you based? The Sunshine State.

And then complete the following sentences:

Clothes are... your tastes, beliefs, and values.

Style is... your visual communication.

A style strategist is... your thoughtful, trained, and trusted wardrobe advisor.

A self-assured person is... Magnetic.

My preferred compliment is that I... made an impact.

A film I wish everyone saw is... "Ziggy's Gift."

A book I wish everyone would read is... From Strength to Strength: Finding Success, Happiness, and Deep Purpose in the Second Half of Life by Arthur C. Brooks.

When I think about my creativity, I... lose track of time.

I believe organization is... best for making progress.

I decompress with... searching TheRealReal app.

My favorite thing about BU is... our shared belief that style begins within.

Further Reading. . .

Conversation: Up Close and Personal with Allison
BU Conversation: Allison’s Style Discovery

Also if you love our team, consider joining us! We’re searching for our next Style Strategist. . .

—Visit out Careers Page


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